Influencer Marketing Tactics: The Art of Follow-on Communications

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The Initial Follow-up: Sparking Excitement and Guidance

Once you've sent off your carefully curated package, the journey has just begun. The moment it's confirmed delivered, it's time to reignite the influencer's excitement and guide their experience with your products. This initial follow-up is your chance to stand out, offering a personal touch that can make all the difference.

Imagine an email that not only announces the arrival of something special but also teases the wonders waiting inside the box. This communication should be vibrant, engaging, and filled with anticipation. But don't stop there—provide clear, concise instructions or suggestions on how to best use the products. This is not about dictating content but about enhancing the influencer's experience and, by extension, their audience's.

Acknowledgment and Appreciation: Building the Relationship

Should the influencer share content featuring your products, a prompt thank-you note is crucial. This isn’t just common courtesy; it’s an acknowledgment of their effort and creativity, reinforcing their value to your brand. This gesture of appreciation can set the foundation for a relationship built on mutual respect and recognition.

Furthermore, this communication is an opportune moment to subtly remind them of your brand's story or the unique attributes of the products they're featuring. It's a soft touch that keeps your brand narrative alive in their minds, potentially inspiring future content.

Soliciting Genuine Feedback: Fostering Authentic Advocacy

After allowing some time for the influencer to experience your products, reaching out for their feedback is a strategic move. This step shows that you value their opinion and are committed to excellence and improvement. However, it's essential to tread lightly, ensuring that your request for feedback doesn’t come across as a veiled push for more posts.

Craft this communication to be as genuine as your request. Express your desire for honest feedback, whether it's glowing praise or constructive criticism. This openness not only helps improve your offerings but also deepens the influencer’s engagement with your brand, transitioning them from a mere endorser to a true brand advocate.

Nurturing for the Long Haul with SEVA

In the realm of influencer marketing, SEVA's platform emerges as a beacon for nurturing these crucial relationships. With features designed for integrated email communications and meticulous tracking, SEVA facilitates the seamless flow of these follow-on interactions. It empowers brands to maintain the delicate balance between guidance and freedom, acknowledgment and appreciation, solicitation of feedback, and fostering long-term partnerships.

By leveraging SEVA, you can ensure that your follow-up communications are timely, personalized, and effective, transforming one-time collaborations into enduring partnerships. These ongoing relationships enable influencers to gain a deeper understanding of your brand, leading to more authentic, convincing content that resonates with audiences and drives engagement.


In the grand tapestry of influencer marketing, follow-on communications are the threads that strengthen the fabric of your brand's relationships with influencers. They're an opportunity to distinguish your brand, demonstrate your commitment to authentic partnerships, and ultimately, weave a narrative of mutual success and growth. Remember, in the dynamic world of beauty, where trends come and go, the relationships you nurture are your most enduring asset.

March 10, 2024